Although the pack is free for download from Valve, the makers of Half-Life, it is still convenient to have a copy on CD. The first is the high-definition pack an add-on for Half-Life that allows it to take advantage of newer video cards, with new, highly detailed textures and skins. Other than that as you have probably read the Source port has a lot of bugs and since both games look identical you’re better off playing the original game. The only advantage that the Source port gives you is physics with some items and ragdolls, and the water looks a lil better. Should I buy Half-Life 1 or Half-Life: Source? Also available for free is Half-Life 2 and its two episodic expansions.

This promotion includes the original Half-Life (the Source version of the game with added physics to make it feel more modern to play, not the beautiful remaster Black Mesa) and its expansions, Half-Life: Blue Shift and Half-Life: Opposing Force. For the short film, see Half-Life: Uplink (film).

The subject matter of this article does not take place in the “real” Half-Life and Portal universe and is considered non-canon. Who do you play in Half-Life Blue Shift?Ībout This Game Made by Gearbox Software and originally released in 2001 as an add-on to Half-Life, Blue Shift is a return to the Black Mesa Research Facility in which you play as Barney Calhoun, the security guard sidekick who helped Gordon out of so many sticky situations.

In a way, Alyx is Half-life 3 – the game-changer that’s destined to shape the future of its medium.

But Half-life: Alyx wasn’t just a checkpoint on the way to Half-life 3, it was the big Half-life project that Valve had been trying to find a way of making for years but didn’t have the right technology to do it with.