Once you load your Sims game, the testing cheats will still be on. Where is the Lifetime Happiness cheat in Sims 3?īefore you load your Sims 3 saved game again, open the cheat console (Control + Shift + C) and type testingcheatsenabled true. Hit “enter” and voila, you have changed your sim’s height. The “value” is the number that you will enter to tell the game which height to make your sim. Type the following without the quotes: “StretchSkeleton value”. Using the Cheat: Select a sim and open the cheat menu (ctrl-shft-C). Although the sim that first appears in CAS is always standard height, if you click on randomize, all the sim’s characteristics change, including height. You do it using the randomize button located at the bottom of the panel on the upper left portion of the CAS screen. How do you make your Sim taller in Sims 3?